Connecting The Dots for Suicide Prevention

One of the things we often take for granted is the small connections we make as a coalition. In our monthly meetings and beyond, we present information in the hope that it may save a life or make an impact. Something as small as making someone aware of a community resource can make a huge contribution to an individual. Coalition member Ted Wright recently recalled how our small footprint made a huge impact on an individual.

Someone reached out to him who was a survivor of suicide loss. She didn’t even know Ted was a part of the coalition. He shared with this individual, who had a relative die by suicide, The International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Every November they host live and virtual events to bring together others who are impacted by suicide loss. This individual later reached out to Ted and talked about how they did go to the meeting and they developed ongoing connections as a result. They reported that it was “so helpful and I can’t tell you how grateful I am”.

Stories like this happen frequently but it was a reminder of the power of the work that we do as a task force. We make impactful connections for individuals and groups. Connecting suicide prevention training with a local school of nursing. Connecting the local Veterans Administration trainings with community members. Connecting a local peer run organization with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Making community members aware of creative efforts to address mental health and substance abuse issues using theatre. This is just a small sample and hope to increase the fabric of connections in our community.

These are the stories to us that matter and the power of coalition building. We hope you will join us to connect the dots in our community. Look for our monthly meetings and events we promote and please contact us to see how you can be involved.

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Our #BeThe1To Campaign

As of today, the beginning of National Suicide Prevention Week, I am thrilled to announce the launch of our local #BeThe1To Campaign. #BeThe1To is part of a larger campaign led by The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to raise awareness about the hotline and find ways to recognize and take action when you see an individual in crisis.



Stay tuned in the coming weeks to our social media on ways to better learn five steps and see our page for copies of the digital assets.  Also stay tuned to our Facebook page this month (National Suicide Prevention Month) for more details on the action steps.

Recognizing The Unique Needs of Our Rural Areas

An article in yesterday’s U.S News And World Report is getting attention in the suicide prevention community. It also has me reflecting on the need to understand the unique needs for the rural part of our county.  The article was entitled “Study: Farmers Don’t Have Enough Mental Health Services” it goes on to describe the findings of the study highlighting the feelings of loneliness and isolation. Last spring, the same research lab identified that farmers are one of the highest risk occupations for suicide.

Also in her research Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas highlights some of the risk factors for farmers:

  • Access to and familiarity with lethal means. Studies indicate that farmers trying to die by suicide are most likely to use means to which they have easy access (Behere & Bhise, 2009). In India, for example, poisoning by pesticide consumption is the most common method. In England and Wales, on the other hand, firearms are more accessible, and thus they are the most-frequently used method for death by suicide.
  • Exposure to death. Not only do they tend to have easy access to firearms, but also experience in using them (e.g. killing sick animals (Malmberg et al., 1997; Malmberg et al., 1999).
  • High Stress Outside of their Control. Farmers experience high occupational stress and related problems, including concern over new laws, anxiety about changing farming methods, long working hours, unpredictability of weather, and financial problems resulting from market fluctuations (Malmberg et al., 1997; Malmberg, Simkin, & Hawton, 1999).
  • Family tensions. Since farming is often a family business, family problems are intricately tied to farmers’ livelihood (Malmberg et al., 1997; Malmberg et al., 1999). When conflicts arise in their families, farmers may lose their livelihood in addition to closeness with family members (Malmberg et al., 1997). Farming is not simply an occupation, but a way of life. Familial conflict as well as isolation due to the impact of modern technology on the farming industry may lead to a feeling of thwarted belongingness among farmers (Joiner et al., 2009).
  • Isolation. Farmers are becoming more isolated due to mechanization of farming (Malmberg et al., 1997).
  • Stoicism. Farmers tend to feel as if they need to stay positive when dealing with hardship. Expressing negative thoughts and feelings in farming culture is discouraged, which leads to stigma around mental health problems (Judd et al., 2006).


Not to assume that all occupants of rural Rensselaer County are farmers, but these risk factors may also be present.  I began to reflect on what we have done as a task force to engage the rural area of our county…

This was a headline from The Bennington Banner in preparation for our listening session that was held on February 12, 2015. Held almost three years ago to the day, this was last time we intentionally reached out to the rural part of our county.  Every once and while in the task force meetings we mention how we need to understand the needs of this part of our county better. We would like to perhaps crowd source how we can do this better.

We would love to hear from you.  If you are a resident of a rural part of the county, do the above risk factors resonate with you?  Are there protective factors or strengths that perhaps can be added?  Do we need to host another forum? What information would you like to hear from the task force and is there anything else we need to know from you? Thanks for taking the time to read the post and also feel free to stay tuned to our Facebook page for how you can help.


Going Beyond The Swag

About a year and half ago we used our funds to get some swag. When I posted it on the Facebook page it was and still is one of the most viewed posts on our  page. Since then we have been meeting and I have been thinking what next? What can we do on social media to do go beyond the swag…



Several months ago we needed to find another website host. So I am taking the opportunity to experiment and launch a new look website and blog.  Currently the new website will be RCSuicidePreventionBlog.Wordpress.Com … YES it’s it’s long but we will shorten it down soon. I will try to write a new post the week prior to our weekly coalition meeting so stay tuned. Follow us on Facebook and also you can follow the blog via email.

We continue to need people to help us build this task force.  Similar to “going beyond the swag” we continue to strive to go beyond our previous successes; to build.  We continue to think about what training we can provide and what partnerships we can build to reduce suicide risk in our community and help those heal via our postvention efforts to Bring Hope, Healing, and Support To Our Community.

So stay tuned, join us for a meeting, or contact us to see how you can get involved.

Sean Erreger, LCSW (Co-Chair of The Rensselaer County Suicide Prevention Task Force)